Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Mark or Molly?

In class on Monday my class discussed a reading on a young boy named Mark who felt that he was a girl named Molly. The discussion evolved into a dispute on what one would do if their child were to come to them and claim to want to be the other sex. Of course there were the people who were hard pressed on their opinions and then there were others that said nothing at all. As I told the class, i believe kids are on a journey to find themselves until they mature and hit adulthood. Kids go through many phases that can be good, bad, ugly or simply just for attention. Therefore, i would let my child be whoever they wanted, but i would take into consideration that it may not be a life long thing. I would not buy the horomones/testosterone for my child at a young age even if they were convinced they were the opposite gender. That would not make me a bad or neglectful parent, it would just make me cautious and aware. I do not discriminate against transgenders in any way, shape or form but i also do not think transgenders need to be such a hot topic. I think there are few and far between and if in the future my child is transgender then i will cross that bridge when i get there.


  1. I totally agree. I wouldn't tell my kid that they couldn't be the opposite gender. I would except them for who they are. After all they are your kid and you should want them to be happy now matter what that may be.

  2. I completely agree with you, a person has their whole childhood to figure out what they really want and it is true that kids go through many phases and we can't jump to conclusions and get them some kid of hormone treatment.
